It’s been a LONG Time!

February 1, 2010

Much has happened since I last posted on this blog but I’d like to address attacks against me by Little Green Footballs and specifically, Charles Johnson of that worthless blogsite.

Charles Johnson is a Progressive, nothing more, nothing less and to which Johnson is a fraud and a gutless pig.

Here is a post, containing a post I wrote on Hotair;

Time for another episode of “Hot Air Comments of the Day,” a look into the pestilent sewer of hatred, racism, talk of violent overthrow of the government, calls for the murder of President Obama and “liberals” in general, and all-around evil-minded nastiness that is the Hot Air comments section.

This isn’t “cherry-picking.” Every single thread of comments at Hot Air is full of the kind of stuff you’re about to read.

Starting with someone who wants to personally take part in lynching President Obama.

“I couldn’t care less what the Obamunist’s view is, I intend to put the rope around his neck when Obamunist hangs and I DARE for him or his lackeys to send anyone after me. I guarantee our military will support me in this, why?, because I work with these good folk every day.

nelsonknows on December 8, 2009 at 7:34 PM ”

That ought to be good for a call from the Secret Service.

Here’s someone pining for the good old days.

Now, let’s put this into the actual context to which it was written!

The Actual subject to which I had written was concerning the John Adams Project goons of the ACLU, tracking C.I.A. operatives down, taking their photos, collecting their personal information, their family’s information, and presenting all of this to enemy combatants held at Gitmo.

A.G. Eric Holder and Barrack Obama had BOTH said that there was no problem with the John Adams Project doing the above.

What the John Adams Project was doing is treason by the very dictionary definition of treason!

Both Holder and Obama’s allowance of C.I.A. operative’s information to be shown to enemy combatants is not only condoning treason, but makes them an accessory to treason.

Both Treason and the Accessory thereof  are punishable by death.

Did I state ANYWHERE that I wanted Obama lynched?  No I did NOT.

There process would be to charge Obama with treason and give him a fair trial, as our Constitution requires and when Obama is found guilty, hang him and yes, I DO want to be the man to put the rope around his neck.

I would LOVE for someone to point out ANY racist statement in my comment post to Hotair.   This is NOT about the Ruse of Race, this is about the RULE OF LAW!

I’ve Supported and Defended our Constitution for 30 years, I intend to do the same for the rest of my life and you can GUARANTEE that Eric Holder, Barrack Obamunist and Charles Johnson can NOT, in truth, say the same.

Charles Johnson, you gutless sonofabitch, I DARE you to turn me in to the Secret Service, I’d LOVE to hear that conversation when they laugh in your face.

I am ashamed

February 17, 2009

Washington’s birthday, actually President’s Day, but the idiot’s in Washington D.C. had to combine two President’s birthdays in some racial ploy to observe a non-president’s birthday, but I digress.

I look around and see that the citizenry of this country have become a bunch of spoiled, lazy, pretentious babies who are more concerned about big-screened T.V. and video games than their freedom.   More concerned about  what a huge nanny state is going to give them than what they themselves can attain, on their own, without a babysitter.   Even when a subject actually piques their narrow interests, people can barely make the effort to place a phone call, write a letter or an e-mail to somehow contact the people that supposedly represent them in Washington or their State’s Capital.

George Washington, our first President under the U.S. Constitution, would weep today if he saw all of the sacrifice that our founding fathers had committed, wasted on us.   Many of our founding fathers risked and or gave up EVERYTHING they owned, including the risk of their lives, to found this country, to give the people of this great country the freedoms that they so easily ignore.   So many have given their lives, their blood, to protect those freedoms and most people just take for granted that the status quo, your protection of YOUR rights, will always be there.

The United States is at a juncture in time when Constitutional Rights are considered a tool of our government, a plaything for smarmy bureacrats  to bandy about at their whim and I mostly see the public asking; “What has the government done for me and when will my next payoff come?”

First of all, your “Government” owes you protection from invasion and crime, a fair trial, recognition of your constitutional rights and not much else.   I as an OWNER of this government owe you NOTHING.

It’s past time for people who claim to love this country to start PROVING it and stand up for yourselves, hold the government accountable for protecting your constitutional rights, people like myself and a minority of Americans  are tired of carrying the load for everyone else.

First Amendment Attacked by Leftists

July 13, 2008

The “wall of separation of church and state” is a myth and an insult to the intelligence of anyone who can read basic Fifth Grade English.
This fraudulent claim that has been injected into our Constitution is tantamount to injecting the phrase “if we feel like it” into each of the Bill of Rights.
Thomas Jefferson, who was absent in framing the Bill Of Rights, wrote this letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802 in reply, to help explain that the First Amendment prohibited their Churches from being oppressed by the Federal Government. The Danbury Baptist Association was in fear that their churches, and being in the minority opined that those churches might be discriminated against by the State of Connecticut. Jefferson reaffirms in his letter that jurisdiction by the First Amendment is over Congress.
The simplicity of the First Amendment is brilliant; each statement referring back to the opening statement of “Congress shall make no law.” “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” meaning Congress will not make a national religion as Great Britain had done with the Church of England. “Congress shall make no law” to “prohibit the free exercise thereof,” Congress cannot by the Constitution prohibit anyone from practicing their religious beliefs. “Congress shall make no law”, “abridging the freedom of speech”, so on and so forth.
There is no national religion in the United States nor should there ever be although the Constitution is in part based on Judeo-Christian ethics and partly on English Common Law (which is also based on Judeo-Christian ethics). In effect, citizen’s rights to practice their belief systems, based on their religious teachings, is protected and affirmed by this Amendment and those of faith have the same rights to promote their beliefs as those of other belief systems.
As for teaching Creationism, Divine Spark or Evolution, all three should be taught in public schools or none taught at all. Public Schools belong to the PEOPLE, those People, no matter what their beliefs, have the right to say what is and what isn’t taught in schools that they pay for. Anything else is discrimination and would seemingly violate the First Amendment.
Too often we see people trying to exercise their so-called rights by taking away the rights of others.

Second Amendment, somewhat upheld

June 29, 2008

It seems that some celebration is due for the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Washington D.C. v Heller.   Finally the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights is upheld in a way similar to the way it was written and intended!   Associate Judge Scalia’s opinion on this ruling, although in no way broad enough in spectrum to protect citizen’s rights to other firearms, is finally a step in the right direction.   May we see every State, County and Municipality, stripped of draconian, socialistic and unconstitutional laws and ordinances that violate our Second Amendment!

As a side note:

The editorial page of the Chicago Tribune called for the Second Amendment to be repealed on 27 June, 2008.   This opinion seems childish and and cheap and should happen the day after the First Amendment is repealed, the Chicago Tribune and all newspapers lose their rights to print a single word, and hell itself freezes over.

Supreme Court in Contempt of Constitution

June 19, 2008

As angered as I am about the foolish ruling pronounced by the U.S. Supreme Court on 13 June 2008, it does not surprise me in the least that this court shows abject disreguard for the U.S. Constitution.   By giving detainees at Guantanamo rights under the Constitution, the court has itself violated that very Constitution that each member swore to uphold and protect.   Five Supreme Court’s Justices,  Justices John Paul Stevens, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter, and Anthony Kennedy, have shown open contempt for our Constitution and have in fact, overstepped their Constitutional authority.   To quote the 11th Amendment of the Constitution; “The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.”

According to the 11th Amendment, the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over this matter.

The 14th Amendment says in Article 1:  All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This Amendment plainly describes treatment of U.S. citizens and U.S. Citizens only and according to the 11th Amendment,  even using  the most radical of interpretations, the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over Guantanamo detainees.

This foolish ruling by this Supreme Court violates article 6, Section 2 stating “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”    The Geneva Conventions is a treaty and those Justices in our Supreme Court are bound to uphold that treaty.

In Conclusion, the five above named  Justices are in Contempt of the U.S. Constitution and can no longer serve in a judiciary capacity of  The United States and must be Impeached  immediately or forced to resign from the court.

Obama and Black Liberation Theology

June 5, 2008

When did being held accountable for your beliefs become passe in America?   We have a candidate for the highest office in the free world who is a devout racist and communist and few seem to even care.   How is it that Barak Obama is consistently given a free pass by the mainstream media, have people become blind?
For Obama to have patronized the Trinity United Church of Christ and to have heard the visceral hatred espoused by that “church’s” Black Liberation Theology Doctrine for nearly 20 years is far beyond just ignorance.
Black Liberation Theology teaches that “If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him.”
“Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy.”
“The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community.”
Those are quotes from James H Cone of whom Jeremiah Wright consistently quotes.
You don’t belong to the Ku Klux Klan because you have a linen fetish, or to the Aryan Nation because you look good in brown nor do you belong to a Black Liberation Theology church because you want to stop racism between peoples of different colors.
Wake up folks and take the blinders off!

New Letter to the Editor

May 5, 2008

I sent a letter to the editor to my local paper, The Ventura County Star, in response to a letter sent by a seemingly raving lunatic National Socialist who’s letter read as follows:


President Bush lies to the American people and we go to war. More than 4,000 Americans are dead because of the lies. Now Bush pick Gen. Davis Petraeus to be commander of the Middle East to carry out his war policy long after he leaves the White House. If Petaeus follows the Bush policies and another 4,000 or more are killed, will he be known as Gen. Betray-us.

To which I responded:

I am so sick of the pathetic lies propagated by anti-war leftists in America. People who spew “Bush lied, people died” rhetoric refuse to use fact in their claims and don’t seem at all interested in the truth.
Let us examine the facts and time line of the reason the United States is in Iraq.
August 2, 1990, Iraq lead by brutal dictator Saddam Hussein, invades Kuwait. A coalition of countries is established to liberate Kuwait from Iraq forces which was achieved on February 28, 1991 and the conflict ended at that time by a Cease-Fire agreement. In August of 1992, No-fly zones were established by remaining coalition forces citing to enforce the cease-fire agreement citing U.N. Resolution 688. This enforcement was called Operation Provide Comfort which ended on December 31, 1996 to be replaced by Operation Northern Watch and Operation Southern Watch which began the next day.
In 1998 Congress passed the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998, this act passing the House of Representatives by a vote of 330-36 and received unanimous support in the Senate and was signed by President Bill Clinton on October 31, 1998. This act (public law 105-338 ) “Declares that it should be the policy of the United States to seek to remove the Saddam Hussein regime from power in Iraq and to replace it with a democratic government.”
In December of 1998, President Clinton ordered the U.S. military to conduct a 4 day attack on Iraq called Operation Desert Fox for Iraq’s “refusal to comply with U.N. Sanctions, the 1991 Cease-fire agreement and Iraq’s consistent attempt to obtain and promote use of weapons of Mass Destruction.
In October 2002, Congress passed Joint Resolution 114 (public law 107-243 ) Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. This resolution passed by Congress contained the exact, same evidence used in the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998. George Tenet was CIA director under both Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush and declared evidence to support the invasion of Iraq a “Slam Dunk”.
To address people like Herold Singer of Ventura, who’s letter was published in this newspaper and who falsely claim that President Bush lied, try using facts for a change.

Why I will NEVER vote for John McCain

April 21, 2008
First of all, I am not a Republican, I am a CONSERVATIVE, I hold to the precepts and ideals of Conservatism. I hold to no party, althought I may register as one party or another to vote in a primary, my allegiance in not to that party, my allegiance is to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.I did not vote for George W Bush, nor did I vote for Bob Dole or George H.W. Bush, in fact my last vote for a Republican Presidential Candidate was for Ronald Reagan. May I also say that I have NEVER in my life cast my vote for a Democrat for President. To win my vote a Presidential Candidate must meet ALL of 4 criterea: 1, Support for the Constitution of the United States; 2, Strong on National Defense; 3, Strong on National Security and Law; 4, Willing not to constantly compromise with National Socialists/Communists that pass themselves off as Democrats.


John McCain is weak on the 2nd Amendment, his grade by most 2nd Amendment advocates groups are of the lowest of all Republicans. McCain supports defiance of Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution, McCain-Feingold violates the 1st Amendment, and I could go on for pages of text yet each instance is in opposition to criteria One.

McCain is against aggressive tactics to obtain information from our enemies when it CLEARLY does not violate the Geneva Conventions. NO illegal combatant in custody at Gitmo or any other facility outside of the U.S. is afforded G.C. protection and McCain’s squeamishness on waterboarding sickens me, remember, our own troops are waterboarded during SERE training and the FACT that no country that the U.S. has been at war with (with the possible exception of Germany) has ever followed Geneva Convention’s Protocol. This is a moot point as far as legality, waterboarding is legal, effective and although should only be used to protect American lives, critical in this war on terrorism.

Illegal Aliens are just that, ILLEGAL, not ONE illegal alien has come to the U.S. without breaking a law. Giving any illegal alien ANY form of amnesty is a slap in the face not just to every person who has or will legally immigrate to the U.S., but to EVERY American citizen who are required BY LAW to act in a lawful manner. McCain is living in Fantasyland at Disney if he believes that illegal Hispanics would voluntarily sign up, pay a fine, pay back taxes, and get into the end of some illusionary line for citizenship. Illegal Hispanics laugh at this theory knowing that they will continue to do just as they do now and reap the benefits they receive now.

Closing our borders is ESSENTIAL not only to Illegal Immigration, but to core National Security. Enforcement of ALL immigration laws is vital yet we have dozens of Sanctuary Cities who flaunt their unwillingness to enforce Federal Law and in fact, obstruct justice in doing so.


McCain calls himself a “maverick”, McCain is a RINO, (Republican in Name Only) and more accurately a FAKE Conservative, McCain claims to be a Conservative, yet is like a professional ballplayer that has never played a game or even attended a practice. His overwillingness to conceed to the Global Warming Hoax, his willingness to cave to Leftists agenda and his overwillingness to compromise Conservative Principles is pathetic.

I will NEVER vote for McCain because McCain is a fraud.


Proof that the Leftist Press does NOT want dissenting opinions

February 19, 2008

In the following is a letter to the editor addressed to THE VENTURA COUNTY STAR newspaper. In Sunday, February 17th’s edition, there were 11 anti-firearm letters published in the VENTURA COUNTY STAR, as opposed to none with an opposing view or even a moderate view. A letter were published by a writer representing the Brady Campaign to Stop Gun Violence, which is is formerly The National Council to Control Handguns, and Handgun Control, Inc. I received an email notice saying that I had been “blackballed” by the VENTURA COUNTY STAR, and yes, “BLACKBALLED” is the name the Newspaper used. I have made several attempts to have my name taken off of the blackballed list but and so far have been unsuccessful. The following is the letter that I emailed to the VENTURA COUNTY STAR:

Edmond Oklahoma, August 20, 1986; Luby’s Restaurant, Killeen Texas, October 16,1991; Columbine High School, April 20,1999; Santa Barbara California, U.S. Postal Service, January 31, 2006; Trolley Square Mall, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 13, 2007; Westroads Mall, Omaha Nebraska, December 5, 2007; Virginia Tech, April 16, 2007; Northern Illinois University, February 14, 2008.
Eight tragic massacres, innocent people who have lost their lives forever and families who will be forever effected by murder and mayhem.
National Firearms Act of 1934, Federal Firearms Act of 1938, Gun Control Act of 1968, Firearms Owners’ Protection Act of 1986, Crime Control Act of 1990, California Assault Weapons Ban of 1989, Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (Assault Weapons Ban) of 1994.
Eight Pieces of Legislation aimed at curbing gun violence but do these pieces of Legislation do more harm than good?
Let us examine the FACTS of the eight above mentioned massacres; Fact 1, in each and every circumstance, the massacres where committed in “Gun Free Zones”
where it was illegal for ANYONE to possess a firearm. Fact 2, in each and every case, those murdered were killed BEFORE police would have possibly been able to arrive on the scene of these crimes. Fact 3, ANY shooting that occurs in any Federal, State, County, or Municipal Building, and or including; Post Offices, Public Shopping Centers or Malls, School, University, or Sporting Event, occurs at a “Gun Free Zone”. Fact 4, in each case, NO firearm has ever killed a single person of its own volition without a human operator so an argument against “Guns don’t kill people, people do”, is both fallacious and pathetic. Fact 5, in the case of every piece of legislation, murder rates in the United States have risen after Legislation has been enacted. Fact 6, the ONLY legislation enacted in any State that has had a measurable effect on decreasing violent crime have been valid and equitable Concealed Carry Licenses. Fact 7, even in the case of the North Hollywood Shootout of February 28, 1997, the firearms used to commit the violent crimes had been illegal since 1934. Fact 8, Cities in the U.S. with some of the most strict anti-gun laws, have the highest guns crimes i.e. Washington D.C., Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago, Baltimore, Newark NJ, Oakland CA, Milwaukee WI, and Buffalo NY.
Evidently, anti-gun laws do not work, will not work as evidence of history clearly shows, and factually violate the U.S. Constitution. What is the solution to address these tragedies and help to prevent them? In my opinion, based on fact and history, not feeling, STRICT enforcement and punishment of those who murder people, not a coddling society who refuses to hold those responsible for such disgusting acts, swift and severe punishment for any who murder innocents using firearms which means and includes the Death Penalty including teens tried as adults; because in fact, no one that is executed will ever harm a single person again.

I ask you, as an American, when is the attack, by the left, on dissenting opinion in the U.S. going to end?

After much wrangling, a few phone calls and an email to my ISP, I was finally removed from the blacklist and of all things, my letter to the editor was printed, (though in a edited version), in the Ventura County Star on February 19.   Thank You to the Star for printing my letter,  my demands were not that the Star be forced to print my letter, but that I should NOT have been blacklisted for sending a letter in opposition to some of the views printed in the Star.

Why Are People So Ignorant of the Left?

January 13, 2008

 I feel that the general population of the United States is genuinely ignorant of the goals and motivations of the political left.   Why, do you ask, do I think the political left has an agenda that most Americans cannot identify?   In the following I will try to break down core belief systems of left and right and how I think Americans have been duped by leftist politicians and why opposing Conservative leaders have lost their backbones in promoting their core beliefs.

   I see the most principled core belief system of Conservatism as being SELF DETERMINATION; the idea that you can be responsible for yourself and your family, the future, your goals, your pursuit of happiness and have some idea of how to achieve these goals without having someone else or a body of others trying to determine them for you.   In other words, YOU and those you allow to inhabit your inner circle of family and friends, are responsible and intelligent enough to know what is best for you.   YOU know best as to how to raise your children, what future you want to pursue, what you want to spend your money on, where you want to live, how you want to practice your religion and how you think you may live safely and peacefully.   You might even love the country where you reside, support the goals of other Americans to do the same and hope that others have the rights to attempt to achieve the same goals you want and that your country will protect those rights.   This should NOT be a novel concept!

   Is it so bad to think that YOU might know what is best for you and your family and that you don’t need someone or a group of someones looking over your shoulder telling you that you can’t possibly be intelligent enough to determine your own fate?

   Is it SO BAD to want to be responsible for your own fate, your own future, YOUR LIFE, and to expect others to be responsible for THEIRS?

   The leftists in the United States seem to think that it IS bad for you to want self-determination.

   “But, but, I just want to educate myself, I want the truth, I just want to be responsible for myself, my own actions and my own property, I want to be able to say what I want and do what I want to do with my life!   I don’t want to have to be responsible for everyone Else’s life, their choices and their prosperity.   I follow the laws of this country and I only demand that others be held to the same standards that I am.”  says the Conservative American.

   “Good luck with that, Sir/Ma’am, you can’t possibly be intelligent enough to self-determine YOUR fate!   Besides, everything you have, hope to have, wish to have, is all just dumb luck and not based on hard work and good ethics.” says the Leftist Idealist.

   Here’s a question, has anyone ever tried to make you feel guilty because you have something that someone else doesn’t have and that you have only achieved those things because you are shallow and crass?   Ultimately, should you feel guilty of what you have that because others don’t have as much?   WOW!, think about it, there are people that believe you should feel bad because you work hard, pay your bills on time, love your family and friends but think it’s NOT your responsibility to be the savior of the whole freakin’ world,  that you respect and abide by the laws, you love the Country that has given you such great opportunities and heck, maybe you’ve even given up some part of your life to defend that Country, and you want to keep most of what you’ve worked for or your parents have worked for and given you!  

   Now as the Political Left seems to believe, you are a BAD, BAD, person, you are selfish and mean spirited, you are too stupid and ignorant to possibly know what is best for you, your family, your Country.   As a Conservative, the left thinks your religion is ignorant and evil partly because it diametrically opposes their agenda, partly because your religion (namely the Judeo-Christain faiths) might expect people to behave in an ethical, responsible manner, and partly because let’s face it, someone else might influence how you should act besides THEM and in their view, there’s always an excuse to deny responsibility.

   The Left understands how to control and direct the emotions of people with distraction and by introducing misery into their daily lives they consistently blame others for whatever misery and troubles that those people face, the blame directed at those that want self determination.   Americans, in leftist’s ideals, must put their faith in the hands of those who think might know better about how to live their lives, thus, those who do not prescribe to the ideals of the left, are evil  and “Heathens”.   Such a distraction keeps people from questioning the ideals of the left since all the troubles of those who support leftist ideals, are blamed on those who question those leftist ideals.   If you support Conservative ideals, you are branded and attacked as being selfish and stupid and all suffering is blamed on those whom leftists brand as selfish.   The Left has won support by building hatred for an imaginary oppressor that they condemn for causing every possible problem that people live with on a daily basis.   Personal responsibility is abandoned to the sickness of assigning fault for all hardships and every hardship is blamed on the “greedy” who fail to do THEIR part and in that way,  it becomes a constant reminder of whom they believe to be an enemy who caused those problems.  

   The ideals of the left are served by the need to destroy free will and self determination, the “Heathens” that opposed the left, and the promotion of self-loathing ideals.  To the left a free and prosperous people cannot serve those ideals while dependency on a “Nanny State” can.   To use the quote from the Gettysburg Address; ” government of the people, by the people, for the people”; does not give the government power to force contribution to a government charity system nor does it guarantee a right to receive said charity nor does it give the government the right to own its citizens; the citizens own the government.

   The need to blame those that prosper comes full circle in that no one can truly prosper under these Leftist ideals and that those who prosper believing Conservative ideals can always be made the “enemy”.

    In conclusion, Conservatism promotes self reliance, self determination and self control; a Government that is ruled by the PEOPLE and assumes that those people know best how to live their lives.   The Left, which is blatant socialism, expects to rule most aspects of a person’s life and believes that most folks don’t have common sense or intelligence to know what they want or how they want to live.